Does exercise cause hemorrhoids?

Does exercise cause hemorrhoids?

Leg Day and Hemorrhoids: A Marine's Tale

Tell me, has this ever happened to you? It was leg day, freakin’ leg day. The purpose of leg day is to survive leg day; that's when you know it's good. I have had two buddies almost pass out and throw up (hot chow as the Marine Corps calls it) when doing leg day with me. So, I never look forward to leg day, but I love it when it's done. But this leg day was cut short and in a hurry, I mean like a runaway kinda hurry.

But before I finish my story, I want to talk about something that affects over 10-15 million Americans every day (and growing). Especially in the workout community…..dun, da dun, dun da….. it's Hemorrhoids!

Here at Bunnies Bum Crème, we get asked all the time: does working out, weight lifting, and exercise cause hemorrhoids? And well, it’s not exactly a yes or no question to answer. With most things, the minutiae of the problem is far more complex and varies from person to person. If you scroll the endless inter-webs, you will find that the results don’t exactly answer your question. But fear not, I have saved you the time and put on my Sherlock Holmes cap and did all the sleuthing for you and put it here where it is easy to read and comprehend.

Does exercise cause hemorrhoids?

Heavy weightlifters and other professional athletes are notorious for having hemorrhoids, and the conclusion is it must be what they do. But the answer is not in what they do but how they do it. There is great science coming out that staying in shape, a good diet, and exercise are very helpful for individuals with hemorrhoids. Which brings me to the glorious conclusion of my story.

So there I was in Crunch Gym doing deep squats. Now, working out for me is not just about staying in shape, I love it. The gym is my temple, and it's great for my mental and emotional health. As a Marine who served in OIF and OEF as an infantryman, I tend to push myself as if my life depended on it because, well, it did. My strength and physical capability were directly related to my survival. I wanted to come home to my family and the only way I knew how was to be the best, and to get as strong as I could. That meant pushing myself beyond what I thought were my limits. 

The Marines have a saying, "pain is weakness leaving the body." While that sounds good and motivational, eventually when you are in your 40s that pain no longer leaves your body. Thank God for lidocaine! While in the Marine Corps I also learned your body can usually go 40% farther than your mind thinks it can. That is true for your muscles, bones, nerves, joints, ligaments etc…..BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE FOR HEMORRHOIDS! Hemorrhoids are cantankerous buggers.

Flashback to being in a deep squat with 315 pounds on my back…..and I felt it! Have you ever felt it? You know what I am talking about? It was like Moses was down below and he parted the red sea. I dropped the weight and tried to speed walk to the restroom fast but not too fast; everyone knew what had happened. Using Bunnies Bum Crème was the only thing that eased the pain. 

The moral of the story is, don't do what I do. I am stubborn, and still have a lot of Marine left in me. I keep thinking I have to push myself to get gains. But the truth is not so. Recently I had a trainer and we are doing lighter weight very slowly and controlled and I am seeing great progress. Thankfully I have not almost "sharted" myself yet. I guess an older "Devil Dog" can learn a new trick or two.

Below, I have listed some "safe" exercises and some of my top tips. Mainly, we all just need to use lighter weight and better form. It's not lifting weight or exercise that causes hemorrhoids, but more how you do it that matters.

Exercises that are positive for individuals with Hemorrhoids:

  • Walking and other cardiovascular exercises

  • Treadmill or elliptical machine exercises

  • Water-based exercises like swimming and water aerobics

  • Exercises targeting the sphincter muscles

  • Kegels and similar pelvic floor exercises

  • Yoga and similar controlled-movement exercises to help strengthen abdominal and rectal tissues

My top tips:

  • Avoid over straining in any exercise

  • Concentrate on good form with slow and controlled movements

  • Don't lift heavier than you are comfortably able

  • This may sound simple: but avoid any exercise that has caused flare-ups

  • Don't be stubborn and a glutton for punishment like me!

  • Lift weight slow and controlled: 4 seconds up, 4 seconds down, 4 sets of 8-10 reps

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